The Simple Reason Console Gamers Got Deus Ex: Mankind Divided First

Gaming News
Gaming News
Adam Jensen from Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided released today on PC, PS4, and Xbox One – but not all at the same time. First, the game was released on Xbox One at 9:00 pm PDT last night. Then, it was available on PS4 at 12:00 am PDT. Finally, nine hours later, PC gamers were able to play the game at 9:00 PDT this morning. So, why did Xbox One players get access to Deus Ex twelve hours before PC players?

According to a tweet from the official Deus Ex Twitter account, having Valve, Eidos-Montreal, Square Enix, and Nixxes all available for the PC launch was crucial. Because they’re all in different time zones, they needed to choose a launch time that allowed all of them to be available.

But why wasn’t this coordination necessary for the console releases?

This question was answered on Twitter, and the reasoning makes a lot of sense.

Thankfully, the wait is over for PC players. Deus Ex: Mankind Divided is now available to play on Steam, as well as PS4 and Xbox One. If you’re interested in learning more about the game’s lore, characters, or enemies, stop by the Mankind Divided Wiki on Gamepedia.

Brianna Reed 


Brianna engages with the Gamepedia community through editorial content and social media. When she’s not busy tweeting about gaming news, she enjoys playing tabletop games, spending time outdoors, and binge-watching sci-fi.